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Injected and reformed

Refine your injected meat products with functional protein solutions ideal for hams, bacon, smoked, and cooked items. Ideal for various injection levels, some perfect for extended hams, others for phosphate-free options. There are so many benefits to using these clean label ingredients to an all-round boost to your processes that will help yield optimal results.

Unique functionality and better product appearance
Whatever the injected meat product - whole hams, bacon, smoked and/or cooked products, and reformed meats - there are different types of protein solutions for different products and injection levels. Some are ideal for high extended hams, and others are highly suitable for phosphate-free/low-phosphate products.
The ability of proteins to bind water provides the desired functionality to injected and reformed hams. Protein can reduce purge in the end products, generally, the less purge in a product, the longer the shelf life, and it gives better product appearance in consumer packaging.
The proteins also improve the texture of the finished product and influence the eating quality and sliceability. A firmer texture combined with a better cohesion between the ham muscles will give better sliceability and result in less slicing loss.
The proteins are easy to work with and dissolve into brines during agitation. They can be added together with other ingredients as a single ingredient or as a ready-to-use compound.