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Fat injected meats

The practice of marbling meets innovation in a work that delivers on flavor and texture, as lean beef is given a quality boost. Elevate your meat cuts by injecting natural beef fat rendered using traditional methods fat into lean meat, creating visually impressive marbling.

With our specialized ingredients, ProBase™ beef fat and ExcelPro™ Plus B Fat Marbling EG, form and injection system that makes each bite a combination of succulence and taste. Bid farewell to dryness and flavor loss during the freeze/thaw process as our innovative technique helps protect the integrity of your meat cuts. 

Annette Steen
Contact us
Annette Steen

Area Sales Manager

+45 74 35 11 39

Discover the benefits for your fat injected meats

Fat Injected 800X600
Fat injected meats
  • Process/recipe upgrade

    Process/recipe upgrade

    • Increased yield
    • Improved cost-in-use
    • Easy to use
  • Consumer trust

    Consumer trust

    • 100 % natural origin
    • Non-GMO
    • No E–numbers
  • Added features

    Added features

    • Improved juiciness
    • Improved appearance and enhanced eating experience
    • Improved tenderness