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ScanPro™ Functional Proteins

ScanPro, highly functional meat proteins available in chicken, pork and turkey. Finely ground, injectable, and highly functional protein ingredients that can improve yield, purge, texture, and sliceability in fresh and processed meat products.

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+1 515 289 5100
Scanpro NA 800X600

The products promoted on this webpage are exclusively marketed and for sale in North America. Please, refer to our general disclaimer and your local Essentia sales representatives for more information about products and availability in your region.


Product name
C5505 Natural Dehydrated  Chicken Broth
C5505 Natural Dehydrated Chicken Broth
Declaration Dehydrated Chicken Broth, Natural Flavor
Option Conventional
SKU 73043
Packaging 44.08lb./Bag (20kg)
Protein** 77.0%
Moisture 3.0%
Fat 22.1%
C5505 Natural Dehydrated Chicken Broth
C5505 Natural Dehydrated Chicken Broth
Declaration Dehydrated Chicken Broth, Natural Flavor
Option Organic
SKU 73073
Packaging 44.08lb./Bag (20kg)
Protein** 77.0%
Moisture 3.0%
Fat 22.1%
P5505 Natural Dehydrated Pork Stock
P5505 Natural Dehydrated Pork Stock
Declaration Dehydrated Pork Stock, Natural Flavor
Option Conventional
SKU 75065
Packaging 44.08lb./Bag (20kg)
Protein** 96%
Moisture 4%
Fat 12%
T5505 Natural Dehydrated Turkey Broth
T5505 Natural Dehydrated Turkey Broth
Declaration Dehydrated Turkey Broth, Natural Flavor
Option Conventional
SKU 72316
Packaging 44.08lb./Bag (20kg)
Protein** 79.0%
Moisture 3.2%
Fat 21.3%

Features and benefits

Features & Benefits

  • Clean label
  • 100% Natural
  • Phosphate alternative
  • Sodium reduction
  • Lean meat replacement
  • Reduced formulation costs
  • Improved texture and sliceability
  • Unique cold gelling capabilities
  • Brine retention & purge reduction

Product brochures