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Capturing global trends and motivating insights
5 ways of reviving your noodle soup recipe
Modern consumer trends show that consumers are demanding ingredients that they know and understand. There is more interest in natural products that contain kitchen cupboard ingredients manufactured using authentic traditional methods.
Ever evolving labeling claims in the savory sector
Understand the challenges of the ever-evolving labelling claims in the savory sector in order to pass the scrutiny of mindful consumers.
Steady fish and seafood consumption: The norm with potential for growth
Fish and seafood subcategory accounts for a stable quarter share of the total meat, fish and eggs category launches tracked over the last 4 years with regards to sales. Find out what factors influence this steady trend.
Adopt the clean label trend
Consumer preferences may be ever evolving, but the clean label trend is here to stay. Discover more about what drives consumer choices towards products based on transparency.
Bone broth - still on trend
Innova Market Insights has reported a steady rise in products marketed as containing “bone broth” with a CAGR of 21,8 % from 2018-2023.
5 ways of crafting the ultimate protein sandwich
Sandwiches are arguably the most popular choice for consumers on-the-go and are preferred for their versatility and variety. Discover ways of crafting the ultimate sandwich by enhancing every element to bring together a superior specimen that will win in taste and nutrition.
Embracing clean and clear labels
Clean and clear labels, now industry standards, focus on natural ingredients and supply chain transparency. Embracing these labels meets consumer demands, enhances trust, and promotes sustainability, allowing informed choices and building loyalty.
Meet Essentia
Customer centricity, better solutions, and a dedication to quality define our commitment to your success by helping you put out the best product possible.
Join a dynamic team dedicated to innovation and growth. Your next career move starts here.
Our history
Dive into our history and get a glimpse of the innovative solutions that makes us the ingredient company we are today.
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Press room H1
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Rich tekst test banner
ScanPro™ 1015/1020 series
A cost-effective choice offering impressive functionality, ScanPro™ 1015 / 1020 is a range of functional animal proteins suitable for various meat products. This range comprises a number of product versions each with different levels of functionality and particle size.
Your choice of product depends on the specific application and the functionality you are looking for.
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Disclaimer: The products promoted on this webpage are not marketed nor for sale in North America. Please, refer to our general disclaimer and your local Essentia sales representatives for more information about products and availability in your region.
- Improved appearance and enhanced eating experience
- Improved texture and consistency
- Increased yield
- Reduced purge
- Improved sliceability
- Improved juiciness
- Improved cost-in-use
Clean label ingredient
- 100 % natural origin
- No GMO
- No known allergens
- No E–numbers
Other benefits
- Easy to use
- Long shelf life
- Microbiologically stable
- Storage at ambient temperature
ScanPro™ 1015 / 1020 is a cost-effective choice for meat products.
Using ScanPro™ 1015 / 1020 to substitute part of the production meat in your recipe can help reduce formulation costs. It can also improve the eating experience, the appearance, as well as ensure consistent product quality.
ScanPro™ 1015 is a range of functional pork proteins made from 100 % pork skin. It is processed using advanced technology which concentrates the porcine protein through thermal and mechanical treatment, producing a clean label ingredient.
When added to meat products, the specific gelling properties of the products enhance the texture and the elasticity.
ScanPro™ 1015 / 1020 is a cost-effective choice for meat products
Using ScanPro™ 1015 / 1020 to substitute part of the production meat in your recipe can help reduce formulation costs. It can also improve the eating experience, the appearance, as well as ensure consistent product quality.
ScanPro™ 1015 is a range of functional pork proteins made from 100 % pork skin. It is processed using advanced technology which concentrates the porcine protein through thermal and mechanical treatment, producing a clean label ingredient.
When added to meat products, the specific gelling properties of the products enhance the texture and the elasticity.
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Test af en section med baggrundsfarve og en boks med baggrundsfarve og to tekst og billede
H2 H2 H2
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H4 H4 H4
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Inspiration for other applications
4 bokse ved siden af hinanden
Try out our other application Try out our other application Try out our other application Try out our other application
Lobster soup
Tomato soup
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H4 H4 H4
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White wine sauce
Noodle soup
H2 H2 H2
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H4 H4 H4
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Link knap 2
Inspiration for other applications
3 bokse ved siden af hinanden
Try out our other application Try out our other application Try out our other application Try out our other application
Lobster soup
Tomato soup
H2 H2 H2
H3 H3 H3
H4 H4 H4
Test af alm tekst
Link knap 1
Link knap 2
White wine sauce
Link box test with 4 boxes and covered images
Lobster soup H4 rich text
Lobster soup H4 rich text
Tomato soup H5 rich text
White wine sauce H2 rich text
Noodle soup headline
alm tekst
Cooked sausages and cold cuts
Our proteins boast unique water and fat binding abilities crucial for hot or cold use. Achieve the ideal bite with our meat and blood-based proteins, reducing costs and optimizing formulation for an unparalleled production process.
Explore fresh possibilities for your meat business with our renowned meat-based proteins. For over five decades, our functional and high-functional proteins have enhanced texture and bite in meat products while increasing yields. Their exceptional water and fat binding capacities minimize purge, lower water activity, and extend shelf life. Stay ahead in meat processing with our continuous innovation, unlocking new opportunities for the industry.
Elevate taste, enhance mouthfeel, embrace tradition. Our savory ingredients, derived from natural animal raw materials, are concentrated pastes, powders and fats - versatile and convenient additions to your creations. Add the best characteristics and claims to your products.
Super tabel | |
Functinality and taste og nutrition updates | er sjældent, at man har mere end én mad- og én vandskål til sin hund. Det er ikke den dyreste investering til din hund, da det mere eller mindre er et engangskøb. Derfor er det en god idé at investere i nogle gode skåle første gang, man skal købe nogle. Eftersom de bliver brugt hver dag, er det vigtigt, at din hund har en rigtig god skål. Vi har samlet en lang række hundeskåle og lagt vægt på design, funktionalitet og selvfølgelig kvalitet. Det, synes vi, er vigtig |
Taste | er sjældent, at man har mere end én mad- og én vandskål til sin hund. Det er ikke den dyreste investering til din hund, da det mere eller mindre er et engangskøb. Derfor er det en god idé at investere i nogle gode skåle første gang, man skal købe nogle. Eftersom de bliver brugt hver dag, er det vigtigt, at din hund har en rigtig god skål. Vi har samlet en lang række hundeskåle og lagt vægt på design, funktionalitet og selvfølgelig kvalitet. Det, synes vi, er vigtig |
er sjældent, at man har mere end én mad- og én vandskål til sin hund. Det er ikke den dyreste investering til din hund, da det mere eller mindre er et engangskøb. Derfor er det en god idé at investere i nogle gode skåle første gang, man skal købe nogle. Eftersom de bliver brugt hver dag, er det vigtigt, at din hund har en rigtig god skål. Vi har samlet en lang række hundeskåle og lagt vægt på design, | Super good! |