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Trends & Insights

Bone broth - still on trend

Innova Market Insights has reported a steady rise in products marketed as containing “bone broth” with a CAGR of 21,8 % from 2018-2023.
Trends Bone Broth 2024
Trends Bone Broth 2024

Bone broth is made by cooking down beef, chicken, or fish bones. This releases collagen, amino acids and other nutrients, offering a wide range of nutritional benefits. It is low in carbohydrates and high in collagen, helping meet consumer demand for low-calorie, high protein products. It appeals to consumers looking for initiative-taking approaches to wellness through functional foods. Therefore, bone broth is very much in tune with today’s biggest market trends.

Innova Market Insights has reported a steady rise in products marketed as containing “bone broth” with a CAGR of 21,8 % from 2018-2023.

Bone broth is rooted in a long history of human use and is understood by most consumers as a real food ingredient. As a versatile ingredient, it makes an excellent addition to numerous diets and can be used in a multitude of dishes. It makes the ideal base for ready-to-drink bone broths, bone broth powder mixes, protein enriched instant noodle soups and other nutrient-rich applications.

The increased awareness among consumers to adopt a healthy lifestyle builds a compelling case for using OmniBroth™ BBB Organic or OmniBroth™ FBB in your next RTD bone broth or protein enriched soup.

Bone broth supports the top 5 health claims

Unlike other sources of protein, our premium broths support all the top five health claims on bone broth products launched globally from 2018 to 2023.

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Top 5 health claims on bone broth products launched globally over the last 5 years, Innova Market Insights.

Health benefits

The appeal of bone broth is already huge. It is remarkable in the number of consumer needs it meets, real food, clean label, high in protein, low in fat. Bone broth is known as one of the most nutrient rich and powerful foods. All the collagen in the meaty bones is broken down into the broth, enriching it with an abundance of amino acids and other vital nutrients.

It is proven to offer several key health benefits, as the collagen absorbed through the intake of bone broths acts as a building block, renewing body tissue cells, such as skin, bones and joints.

Explore options for a new launch

Essentia manufactures a wide range of bone broths and other animal-based nutritional ingredients, which can do a great deal to improve the nutritional profile of numerous products with valid health claims. You can find out more about label-friendly solutions that will align your products with modern consumer preferences and give them that extra appeal. Make enquiries about co-creating by contacting a representative near you.

1: Innova Market Insights, 2023