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Pet food

Many shoppers believe that the furry members of their families deserve the best in quality and nutrition just as much as any others in the household. For this reason, Essentia’s pet food range is manufactured using quality human grade ingredients with no artificial ingredients, for optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients to promote pet health, longevity, and vitality. 

Pet Category 800X600
Pet Category 800X600

Embracing clean and clear labels

Clean and clear labels, now industry standards, focus on natural ingredients and supply chain transparency. Embracing these labels meets consumer demands, enhances trust, and promotes sustainability, allowing informed choices and building loyalty.

Humanization of pets

19 Mar 2024
No matter what product pet owners are looking for, options that speak to human interest are becoming the norm. Humanization of pets is reflected in many new product launches promoting human grade ingredients.

The vital role collagen plays in pet nutrition

22 Jan 2024
Pet owners prioritize nutritious foods for holistic pet health, and now acknowledge collagen and its role in maintaining inner and outer health and well-being

5 ways to improve your pet food application

25 May 2023
Whatever your motivation, here are 5 ways for you to improve the competitiveness of your pet broth

Adopt the clean label trend

Consumer preferences may be ever evolving, but the clean label trend is here to stay. Discover more about what drives consumer choices towards products based on transparency.